MFG #: 64PKA088A
/ EA
- Country of Origin: JP
- Manufacturer Name: Mitutoyo America Corporation
- Series: PH-3515F
- Specifications: 0.0001 mm Resolution, 14 in Protractor Screen
- Type: Erect Image
- Application
- Includes
- Item Features
For thread pitch measurements
10x Projection Lens Set, Work Stage, Power Cord, Halogen Bulb, Tube Fuse, Grounding Wire, Hex Wrench and Vinyl Cover
- Heavy duty, bench-top model with horizontal optical system
- Erect image on day-bright screen
- 14 in Dia protractor screen with cross-hair line for easy alignment
- 10 x 6 in floating-type workstage incorporates linear scales for fast, accurate measurement
- Suitable for thread pitch measurements - free from blurred or distorted images when the workpiece is angled
- Robust workstage provides high-accuracy and can handle a workload up to 100 lb