MFG #: 29021
/ EA
- Body Diameter Workpiece Side: 1.26in
- Clamping Length: 1.53in
- Manufacturer Name: TECHNIKS INDUSTRIES
- Nose Diameter: 0.94in
- Shank Type: Tapered
- Through Coolant (Yes/No): Yes
- Type: Precision Standard Length
- System Size Machine Side: CAT40
- Hole Diameter: 3/8in
- Gage Length: 3-3/4in
- Application
- Includes
- Item Features
For high speed or high torque machining
Coolant-Thru Set Screw
- T.I.R. only 0.0001 in
- Balanced to 24000 rpm at G2.5
- Extremely rigid toolholder
- ShrinkFIT tooling improves cutting tool life, cutting ability, surface finish and produces less wear and tear on spindle bearings
- Run faster spindle speeds and feeds are increased to reduce cycle times and increase R.O.I
- Run better ShrinkFIT permits better balanced chip loads so machining is more accurate and finish is improved
- Tool life is extended by as much as 700% dramatically impacting your tooling budget
- Techniks certified for accuracy and balance