- Country of Origin: IN
- Cutting Direction: Left Hand
- Head Length/Projection: 1.417 in, 1.417in
- Insert Holding Method: Hole/Top Clamp
- Internal or External: External
- Manufacturer Name: Seco Tools
- Overall Length: 3.937 in, 3.937in
- Series: DDJNL
- Type: Indexable
- Hand Direction: Left Hand
- Item Features
- Deliver coolant effectively through the toolholder to the optimum position close to the cutting edge, this improves chip control by lifting the chip away from the rake face and reducing the heat load, enabling longer tool life and drastically increasing cutting data to be applied
- https://www.youtube.com/embed/dVbJlS9LEWI?enablejsapi=1&autoplay=true&fs=1&rel=0