DVBK01661714-16 K01661714-16
34.92 / EA
  • Chemical Composition: Light Aliphatic Hydrocarbon Solvent
  • Container Size: 1 gal
  • Container Type: Can
  • Country of Origin: US
  • Form: Liquid
  • Manufacturer Name: The Sherwin-Williams Company
  • Series: K0166
  • Viscosity: <7 cSt
  • VOC Content: 742 g/L
These solvents are used to reduce medium and long oil alkyd enamels such as high gloss alkyd enamel (K0083 series) and rust tough alkyd Enamel. They are not strong enough to be true solvents in any resin quality other than alkyds. Aliphatic solvents are non-photochemically reactive, HAPS complying, and non-polar.
  • Item Features
  • Standards
  • Weak, fast evaporating, very good for solvent cleaning when using alkyd topcoats
  • Measure of time in minutes required for 90% to evaporate
  • Ratings express the approximate ability to dissolve resin and reduce viscosity
  • Temperature at which sufficient vapors are given off to Ignite by open flame
  • Good flow permits paint film to level out into a smooth film of uniform thickness without orange peel, brush marks, etc
  • Relative rating of time necessary to obtain surface or dry-free drying of film
  • 0.75 specific gravity
  • Krylon Industrial offers thinners and reducers to assure the correct tailor-made properties are obtained for each coating or application requirement
EPA HAPS Registered|OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1200|NIOSH/MSHA Approved