- Abrasive Material: Zirconia Alumina Plus
- Backing Material: Fiberglass/Plastic
- Country of Origin: FR
- Disc Type: Type 27 Flat
- Manufacturer Name: Saint-Gobain
- Maximum Speed: 30000 rpm
- Series: R884P
- Type: Extra Heavy Duty Quick Change TS (Type II)
- Disc Diameter: 3 in
- Grade: Medium
- Grit: P120
- Color: Blue
Ideal for performing detailing, cleaning and finishing jobs in confined spaces, this BlueFire® R884P medium grit TS (Type II) plastic flat mini flap disc is a Type 27 quick-change disc made with high performance, long lasting zirconia alumina that delivers longevity and an aggressive cut. Tough, flat polyester flaps with a semi-open coat decrease loading on aluminum surfaces. This plastic flat mini flap disc's strong yet flexible plastic backing plate absorbs vibration, making this disc ergonomically friendly, particularly on a smaller machine.
- Application
- Item Features
Cleaning, Detailing and Finishing
- Type 27 quick-change mini flat flap disc with high performance zirconia alumina plus abrasive for aggressive cut and long life
- Mini flap discs high strength plastic backing plates are flexible and absorb vibration, this along with the discs use on smaller machines, makes them a very ergonomically friendly choice
- Flat polyester flaps with semi-open coat provide improved durability and minimizes loading on aluminum
- Better tier choice for cleaning, detailing and finishing in tight spaces
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDKQ8Tp8f-w